I am 13 and I would like to send my steady boyfriend a sexy picture of myself. I’m almost naked in it. But someone at school said that was “child pornography”. Will I get punished?

No, you will not receive any legal punishment.
As a child you are not at the age of “criminal responsibility” until you are 14.
At 13 years old you cannot be punished by law.
Only your parents or guardians can forbid you from doing something.

However, there are a few things you should consider.
For example, your boyfriend can be punished
if he is 14 or over, as he is no longer a child.

Sometimes pictures are illegal because you are only 13.

This is the case if:

  • The photo shows someone under 14 having sex.
  • The photo shows primarily the breasts or the area between the legs.

Irrespective of age, it is illegal if:

  • Someone is talked or forced into taking the picture.
  • This kind of picture is sent to someone who does not want it.

It is also illegal
to send this kind of picture to anyone else without permission.

But that sometimes happens.

If you need help on this issue, you can get in touch with someone here:
