Welcome to www.refu-tips.de

This website is designed for underage girls and boys.

But you should be at least 13 years old.

We will have new information for you regularly.

So visit our website often.


You would like to feel at home in Germany.

So you need to know the rules.

And you need to learn a few things.

We want to help you do this.


Maybe we are too direct for you.

Maybe you find something embarrassing.

Something we write.

We do not mean to cause any harm.

We apologise in advance.

But it is important that you also know about embarrassing subjects.


You should feel comfortable and safe in Germany.

We want to help you feel that way.

How can you help me?

We can explain things to you and give you information via the website.

Nothing bad should happen to children and young people here.

We are committed to providing support.

That is why we are explaining lots of things.

So that you know what is good and what is bad.


We cannot help children and young people directly.

You cannot speak to us by telephone.

But there are many other people in Germany who help children and young people.

Even when they have experienced violence.

Even when they have experienced sexual abuse.

We can tell you where to find help.


You should be safe here.